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Mobile Point of Sale: Boosting sale by almost 150% and its challenges

on 03:03, 28/09/2018 2.209 lượt xem

Mobile Point of Sale, or mPOS, is a mobile device functioning as a cash register, a point of sale terminal, or both. mPOS is an effective solution for improving customer experience in retail stores, especially omnichannel ones, by allowing them to instantly purchase the items they have discovered in brick-and-mortar shops, instead of waiting in long queues to checkout.

According to a recent survey by IHL Group and Stratix, "retailers deploying in-store mobile effectively are projected to have an increase of 146% in sales growth in 2018." This is the expected profit of early adopters in this technology. In contrast there are challenges that must be overcome for retailers planning to deploy mobile solution in stores, most of which are technological. The top 5 challenges listed in the research survey are as following:

  1. Improper POS software: General applications are not optimized for mPOS devices, which slows down the purchasing process and cause counter-effects.

  2. Lack of managing staff: Retailers usually have difficulty hiring people to operate and maintain the devices physically on a regular basis if these POS lack automation.

  3. Lack of help desk and on-call support: Similarly, more than half of the surveyed retailers face the challenge of insufficient IT support when technical issues occur.

  4. EMV certification problems or lack of payment options: In short, this is the problem of integrating the mPOS with modern payment methods, limiting the choices of customers.

  5. Mobile security: Cybersecurity is vital to any business's survival nowadays. Physical devices placed in public areas can be exploited if they do not meet security measures, causing unpredictable damage and loss to the company.

If you are an omnichannel retailer looking for a service provider to take advantage of mPOS for your stores while avoiding the problems listed above, Rnext is the solution.

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Yêu cầu: 03:03, 28/09/2018
Xem: 2209 lần
Cập nhật: 03:03, 28/09/2018